Category: Organizing with ADD

Why Do I Procrastinate?

Ever wonder why, if the results of procrastination are so unpleasant, you do it anyway? Because, for a lot of us, procrastination becomes a way of coping with the emotions and physical symptoms that accompany depression. Like any form of escape, it may bring some temporary relief, but eventually compounds our misery later. Do you […]

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How Not to Feel Guilty About Disorganization

Having trouble keeping up with things that used to seem easy? Feeling guilty because you just can’t seem to handle what you could before? Everyone in this world is disorganized in one way or another, at one time or another, even Professional Organizers (gosh did I just write that). It is true; we all have […]

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Stress Management = ADD Management

Have you ever noticed that when you’re stressed out, it’s more difficult to get to your appointments on time? And you tend to forget more things? Like where you put the keys…while you’re already running late for that appointment? And that during times like these, it seems like every traffic light you approach turns red […]

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