Stress Management = ADD Management

stressedHave you ever noticed that when you’re stressed out, it’s more difficult to get to your appointments on time? And you tend to forget more things? Like where you put the keys…while you’re already running late for that appointment?

And that during times like these, it seems like every traffic light you approach turns red and you’re more likely to accidentally spill your drink all over yourself, right before you walk into that appointment?

The more stressed out you are, the harder it becomes to manage your ADD. The more stressed out you are, the more your ADD affects you in negative ways. And the more your ADD affects you in negative ways, the more stressed out you become.

What a vicious cycle! And we all get caught up in it…until we learn that stress management = ADD management.

Whenever you feel your ADD starting to get out of control, try shifting your focus to stress reduction. Take a walk. Go work out. Talk to a spouse or friend and process your feelings and frustrations.

Do whatever it is that you do to get your stress levels down. You’ll find that once you feel calm, centered, and in control, you’ll be much better equipped to manage your ADD challenges.

Jennifer Koretsky,
Founder of the ADD Management Group, LLC &
Author of Odd One Out: The Maverick’s Guide to Adult ADD

3 thoughts on “Stress Management = ADD Management

  1. Beth/Mom2TwoVikings

    Thank you thank you THANK YOU for this post! “You mean ADULTS can have ADD too?”

    As a semi-retired teacher now a SAHM, I’ve dealt with YEARS of counseling for anxiety and depression then FINALLY someone saw thru it all, extensively tested me, and provided a diagnosis of ADD.

    I’m on and off meds the last 10 years due to being pregnant and nursing but it’s like night and day when I’m on them. However, I’m trying to do my own research, self-eval, and beh mod so I can perhaps get off them due to the risk of stroke in stimulants and the fact they’ve blown my life ins premiums out of the water. LOL

    Having finally realized that I’m not stupid, “flighty” or an “air head”; that I’m not careless, thoughtless, or abrupt and that I just cope and deal with events and input differently which can be helped with counseling, beh mov, a patient family, and sometime meds has made all the difference.

    It is so wonderful to see posts like this recognize my struggle and validate all the hard work I’ve done and the hard work I do each day.

    Beth/Mom2TwoVikings’s last blog post..Rainy Day Preschool Science