Your Incentive to Organize: The Competitive Advantage

”Organization is not an option, it is a fundamental survival skill and distinct competitive advantage.” Pam N. Woods, From Motivational Inspirational Corner
I stumbled across this interesting quote, and it got me thinking about the last two words – “competitive advantage”.
We all LOVE incentives, which is why everyone from cable companies to car dealers offer them.
Most of us need incentives to get organized. Here are some areas of life where being organized actually can give you a competitive advantage:
** At Work: Nothing pleases the boss more than an efficient job done, thanks to organization. And this goes beyond desk organizers, to time management, effective planning, and utilization of all available tools.
** In School: School is a highly competitive atmosphere, where students are competing for top grades, scholarships, and recognition for high achievements. They’re looking for every competitive advantage possible, and organization will get you farther than you think in academics.
** At Home: You may wonder, why would I need the competitive advantage at home? My belief is that everything starts at home – the life you live outside, and how you live it, is a direct consequence of it. So, if you’re on top of the organizing game at home – you’re better prepared for the chaos outside.
** In Your Social Life: Being timely, reliable, available, and sensible are all qualities of an organized person – and a good friend! Having these traits could help you make new friends, and become closer to the ones you have.
If you haven’t gotten organized because you didn’t see any incentive to do it, think of this quote. Think about all the areas of your life, and how far you’ll advance by having the “competitive advantage”.

0 thoughts on “Your Incentive to Organize: The Competitive Advantage

  1. Sherri Joubert

    Once again, you hit the nail on the head!
    I love reading your blog and I have subscribed to it for over a month now. I look forward to new posts every time I open Bloglines.
    Liz Davenport has observed that profits don’t come from chaos and has written about in in her book “Order from Chaos”. I know you’ve probably read it already, but in case you haven’t, it’s another great resource.

  2. Emily Weigel

    Sherri –
    I’m so glad you’re finding our little community of clutter control freaks helpful and enjoyable!
    I actually haven’t read this book yet, but it’s on my list now.
    Keep checking back and thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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