The One-Minute Rule For Clutter Control

clothes on chairI had a “why didn’t I think of that!” moment yesterday.
I thought Gretchen Rubin’s one-minute rule in her post, Two Crucial Ways to Fight Clutter, and Why You Should, was simply amazing. Such a small idea with such great impact.

The one-minute rule: perform any task that can be completed in less than one minute.”

It’s so easy to put off little chores because they seem so trivial and easy to do later. Problem is, every time you put one off, it becomes clutter.
Before you know it, you have coats hanging over the chairs, mail on the table, backpacks on the sofa, and you can’t find that bottle of shampoo you bought last weekend.
[LG]If coat clutter’s a problem, try a coat rack![/LG]As I wrote a phone number in my address book yesterday instead of jotting it down on a napkin, I realized that it’s actually easier to just “do it now” rather than live with the added bit of stress associated with knowing I have to finish it later. Less mind clutter. Always a good thing.

0 thoughts on “The One-Minute Rule For Clutter Control

  1. Barbara

    I make a habit to take care little things, like puttin things away, right away. That make my life and my living space alot clutter free.