Say No To Procrastination: Just Do It Now

procrastinators_leapProcrastination is at the root of most clutter and disorganization. We put things off, say we’ll do them later, can’t make a decision, etc. I know this. But I don’t think I have been as aware of it as it was happening before…
Pat came home with salt for the water softener yesterday. This is one of Pat’s sole responsibilities, one we don’t share or take turns with. It was in the back seat of my truck. He left it there overnight. This morning I asked if he’d take it out and he said he’ll get it tonight.
Suddenly, I had a flashback of the last salt refill: Pat finally bought the salt after we’d been out for 3 weeks, and then left it in the trunk of my car for 2 weeks. I couldn’t stand it anymore and I put the three bags next to the garage door, where they sat for 1 week. When I couldn’t stand that anymore, I put them in the middle of the entryway. Another week went by. I brought them down the stairs and put them in front of the laundry room door so he’d have to step over them! 2 more weeks. The kids loved it, they started playing jumping games and using them as a fort. So we are now 9 weeks without salt, and 6 with, but not in the softener! But I refused to do his job. After tripping over it for the last time, I handed him the scissors, took the top off of the softener and said as nice as I could, “NOW, *&#@/$!”
So when he wants to take the salt out of the car tonight versus this morning, I say, “I don’t think so. There are 3 bags. I’ll take one, you take two, let’s go.”
He stops in the garage. “Keep going,” I say.
He stops in the entryway. I say, “15 more steps – that’s it, you can do it”.
He puts 1 bag down against the wall outside the laundry room door. I say, “No way – you are 6 feet away”.
He leans them right next to the softener and says, “See ya tonight!” and I say, “Here’s the scissors, you’re not leaving yet”.
He dumps them in and leaves.
I look at the clock. What he originally didn’t have time for, took 2 1/2 minutes! Compare that to his previous 9-week record!
Now just take a moment to think of all the things procrastinate. I say, Just Do It NOW!

0 thoughts on “Say No To Procrastination: Just Do It Now

  1. Victoria

    The key here for him to have “done it now” was YOU. YOU were the one behind him focusing and getting him to “do it now”, not him. He did the actions, yes, but you put the actions in motion. This is one form of fixing procrastination which is someone coaching me along, but 99.9% of the time there is no one coaching me along so it doesn’t get “done now”. Any advice on how to get a person or myself to “do it now” without coaching?
    Thank you. vjconokinawa

  2. abby

    Oh my gosh !!!! This is totally me Iam a true procrastinator! Your husband should be greatful that he has somebody like you to push him along the way. I guess thats why they say that opposites attract!

  3. Veit

    funny story (and so true).
    for me procrastination happens mostly when I don’t know what to do next (with a salt-bag that’s pretty easy) — as soon as I’m not sure (“what next?”) I start cleaning the bathroom, that kind of thing

  4. Edward Bean@wide format printing los angeles

    really, procrastination is a big problem on our community. Let us help ourselves to avoid it.