Resolve to Spend 5 Minutes a Day

timeHow many times have you looked around and thought, “I wish I had the time to organize my (you fill in the blank here)…”?

I do it often. Especially this time of year. It’s the time of year when a lot of us take stock of ourselves and our surroundings. I want to start my new year off right. Clean, organized, on top of things…or at least have a plan, right? But so often I am overwhelmed by the size and scope of the projects I’ve let pile up around me, that I soon give up in frustration.

Just think of all the simple tasks that take 5 minutes or less that you often put off until later because “It won’t take me anytime at all. I can do it (multiple choice here: later; tomorrow; when I get to that room…)”

Before you know it, all those 5 minute put-it-off-till-later tasks have added up to a mountainous oh-my-gosh-that-will-take-me-forever task.

Well, this year I’ve resolved myself to start small – with 5 minutes a day. If those tasks can add up to mountains in 5 minutes a day, then mountains can be tackled 5 minutes a day, too.

I am resolved to not putting of those little 5 minute tasks when they first arise. And I’m also resolved to doing an extra 5 minutes of sorting, tossing, organizing or putting away to tackle the mountain. It won’t be quick, that’s for sure. But at least it won’t be overwhelming.

Anyone want to make this resolution with me? Leave me a comment with what you plan to tackle, 5 minutes at a time, and we can keep each other encouraged. I’ll post again with my progress next week! [LG]Check out this refrigerator organizer![/LG]

11 thoughts on “Resolve to Spend 5 Minutes a Day

  1. Donna D.

    I’m in! I’ve tried this before and the best part about it is that so often it isn’t that we don’t have the time, we just can’t get started. I know in the past when I’ve said I’ll spend 5 or 10 minutes a day, I often found myself going past that 10 minutes and really accomplishing a lot. Sometimes we just need a little push to get started. And even if 5 minutes is truly all we have, little by little it will make a big difference.

  2. Creative Triplet Mom

    I’ve been trying to tackle my craft/scrapbooking room but it is such a mess I don’t even want to go in there. I need a new timer and 5 minutes doesn’t seem so bad. The rest of my house looks normal and decluttered. It’s just that craft room that makes me want to crawl under my covers and not want to even step foot into the room. I have this thing where I can’t get rid of anything as I keep saying well maybe my kids can use it some day. I did try to sell things on ebay and couldn’t believe that things I purchased $20 or more went for only $2! It’s really sad how low they are selling for. I guess not many people are scrapbooking any more.

  3. Eva Wallace

    Donna – that’s a great point – when I have the energy and drive I will do more.

    Creative Triplet Mom – I understand. I have a laundry room like that (because we have no garage). I wish I could avoid it sometimes, but I have to go in there every day. I think that’s where I’ll start.

    Yay! Thanks Ladies!

  4. mandyjo123

    Oh, my Gosh!!! Just think. I stayed at home for thirteen years and went back to work full-time when my three boys were old enough to stay by themselves for a few hours after school. In a year and a half, I can not believe how unorganized, pulled out, strewn out, stacked up, not put up, things, clothes, dishes, pictures, etc. have gotten so out of hand. This year, I vow to take one room at a time. I finally quit. My family needed me more than I thought. It was like one day I just looked around and thought, this is like my car on a trip, it’s clean when you leave and McDonald’s is living in the back seat when you get back home. The only thing organized in my home are my cherished cookbooks with special cabinets (I have over 500). I need help. Where to start and what should the kids be helping me with

  5. faye

    I am going to do it. Sometimes it seems I can only focus for 5 minutes! Then I am sidetracked in some other area. I plan to tackle the ‘guest’ room that is full of Christmas supplies and items I bought for next year. I also plan to tackle the office and my desk. Thanks for the challenge!

  6. chaotic kitten

    I’m very excited to find your blog, and to embark on this challenge with you. I need to do plenty more than 5 minutes a day to de-clutter my house, but if I vow to do 5 minutes, I’ll hopefully manage more from time to time. The consistency will hopefully be good for me 🙂

  7. Eva Wallace

    Mandyjo – I KNOW! I have been working again now for over five years – imagine the stuff stacked in my corners!

    Faye – me too!

    Chaotic Kitten – I’m hoping that just committing to starting something each day will lead to getting things done, whether it’s for five minutes or more.

  8. Carol Naveira-Nicholson

    Thanks for having such an informative & supportive blog/website. I have been caregiving for my husband for over 3 years (thankfully he is still surviving metastatic colorectal cancer) and I tend to be a pack rat anyway so… you can imagine the clutter that piles up around here! I sometimes don’t know where to start and then one thing will catch my eye and I’ll suddenly have the momentum. Since this doesn’t happen too often (and the clutter continues to grow), I’m going to try the 5 minute a day approach instead. Wish me luck!

  9. Rhoda

    So, I am the queen of clutter! I haven’t thrown anything away in about twenty years! And, if that wasn’t bad enough, I keep gaining weight because I’m so tired from just thinking about cleaning my house that I have to go lay down (after eating pizza, of course) and I just can’t seem to get it together. So, I’m up for the challenge. 5 minutes a day on the house and 50 calories less than the day before. I’ll check back in a couple of weeks and let you know how it’s going.

    Good Luck to everyone!

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