Quick Guide to Completing Summer Projects

summer-vacationAre you beating yourself up because you haven’t accomplished enough this summer? If so, here’s a quick guide to finishing up your summer projects.

1. Pick one or two projects that are really important to you. You may want to decide based on what’s seasonally appropriate, like keeping your garden or yard well maintained. You can also choose based on things that shouldn’t wait, like fixing a leak. Or, best of all, you can choose based on what you actually like to do, or are looking forward to doing.

Everything else can wait.

This step is essential. If you pick too many projects to work on at once, you greatly increase your chances of procrastinating on all of them.

2. Plan to work on your projects and schedule the time into your day or week. Don’t overdo it. If you try to spend every free moment completing your summer projects, they’ll become tedious and boring, and your summer will slip away.

Instead, try scheduling in an hour a day for a couple of days a week, or maybe even a full day on the weekend.

Remember to leave room in your schedule for some summer fun! Completing projects can be extremely satisfying, but life shouldn’t be all about your to-do list.

2 thoughts on “Quick Guide to Completing Summer Projects

  1. Angela Esnouf

    I was with a client just today, decluttering her home office, when we came across a list she’d written. The heading at the top of the page read “Things I Might Chose to do this Summer”.

    Good on her. She recognised that she expects a lot from herself, and took steps to take the pressure off and remind herself that the listed activities are merely options. Enjoying her summer is more important than ticking things off a list.

    Angela Esnouf’s last blog post..Temporary Downsizing

  2. tink

    I actually took the summer “off”.

    The yard, the garden, the basic household duties – those are things I just do, but my projects – well, I decided to stop those until Fall.

    I’m actually learning how to golf so my hubby and I can spend more time together just enjoying ourselves..

    Getting my house decluttered and organized last year has given me the gift of time and peace – it’s the best gift I ever could have given myself.