Get Back to Basics with Menu Planning

calendarWhen things start going a little bit crazy, the first thing I do is go back to basics.

Like when I feel overwhelmed with the business, I drag out one of my master to-do lists and start writing down everything.

In the same way, when if feels like things are too busy in my life at home, I get back to basics with a few things. I:

  1. write EVERYTHING down on our kitchen calendar
  2. clean my kitchen (I like a clean and uncluttered working space so this helps me feel centred; a friend of mine likes doing laundry – she is obviously crazy :)!!!)
  3. menu plan

A few weeks ago, I was on a course for 4 of the 5 weekdays so things were wild at home. One of the first things I did when I got home on Friday evening is I did the shopping list and I wrote out my menu plan.

If you’re having a busy time, grab a menu planning form and write down a few meals.

Don’t feel that menu planning will stifle your spontaneity or creativity. You can always mix it up and have Thursday’s meal on Monday if that’s what you feel like, etc.

The truth is that menu planning will save you at least 2 – 3 hours a week, so make the plan work for you.

Marcia Francois is a time management and organising coach who empowers small business owners and other busy professionals who want to make the most of their time. You’ll get simple, practical organising and time management secrets to help you work less and enjoy life more! Visit Marcia’s website for your free Organising Success Pack.

2 thoughts on “Get Back to Basics with Menu Planning

  1. Beth/Mom2TwoVikings

    I usually grocery shop on Wed. when DaHubby gets paid. And, when I make out my list, I look at what is on sale and I make up seven dinners with side dishes on a list that hangs on the fridge.

    I don’t assign one to each day per se and I have a variety of quick meals and longer, more labor-intensive meals. So, then after lunch, I can just pick one for that night depending on how I feel and the time we’re going to have.

    Beth/Mom2TwoVikings’s last blog post..Thank yous are not enough

  2. Top CD Rates

    My wife is the clean freak. I’m the messy. I can tell she has been a little stressed of late though.

    Somethings I’ve tried to do are take care of some laundry, put away my own dishes and bring towels and my clothes up stairs.

    I’ve also been exersising which helps her not be so concerned with my health. Maybe I’ll become a Cleanie, yet.