Creating a Routine for Toddlers

maddiepaint2Kids crave routines. It helps them to feel like they have some control over their lives. When your children have no plan to their day they can get bored, and bored children will act out and misbehave. If you have things for them to do throughout the day they will stay happy and out of trouble! So here are my 6 simple steps for creating a routine for your child.
Start at the End – I always start creating a routine based on their bedtime. I figure out what time I want them to go to bed at night and schedule in a good 11-12 hours of sleep. 
Set Bedtime Routine – Now that I know when I want them in bed, I figure out how long it takes for us to complete the bedtime routine and schedule in that amount of time prior to bedtime. The things I include in the bedtime routine is bath, brushing teeth, putting on pajamas, lotion (my daughter has eczema), prayers, story, then kisses! 
Naps – I’m sure you know when your child gets sleepy, so schedule in the nap at the same time every day.
Food – Another constant is food. Put on your schedule what time you want to eat breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner.
Play – I like to schedule different kinds of play every day. I focus on four main areas, learning, creativity, exploring the outdoors, and just fun (her toys inside the house).
Special Time – Definitely schedule in special one on one time with you and each of your children. During this time, don’t answer the phone, don’t get distracted, just spend time with your child. [LG]Here are some great kid’s storage ideas![/LG]
With errands, and everything else that is required of families lately, your day should now be pretty packed! Good Luck!

0 thoughts on “Creating a Routine for Toddlers

  1. Herman

    Junior is now 21 months. The other day we were chatting about his routine and put up a schedule on the board. Thanks for posting on this.