Conquering Counter Clutter

two sided mail sorterThat’s quite a tongue twister! But getting your paper clutter under control doesn’t have to be difficult. There are many products that can help simplify the process.

Everyone has that place in their home that is the general catch-all for mail and bills. That dreaded pile of junk mail, ads, bills and to-do lists that is always nagging you to deal with it. In my house, that place is the kitchen counter. I’ve given up the idea of not having the pile at all – it’s simply not possible with my busy life to handle each paper directly when it comes through the door. So I’ve had to compromise. The pile can stay, but I need it to appear somewhat neat and orderly in order to save my sanity.

Here are some tips on how to co-exist with your “piles”:

1. Size it up! Decide how much space your pile is allowed to take up.

2. Contain it – Once you know how much space you can allocate to your pile, choose a container that matches that size, and make it pretty! This Two Sided Mail Sorter is new to the market and offers maximum organization, with a pocket for everything, and has an elegant faux leather construction. A simple basket works very well too.

3. Commit to it – Vow to keep no more mail than you can fit in your container. That means that once it fills up, you have to get rid of something before adding anything. Since bills come and go monthly, this shouldn’t be too difficult to keep up with. Enjoy your new, organized counter top or desk!

0 thoughts on “Conquering Counter Clutter

  1. DebraC

    Counter tops are certainly one of the hot spots in the house. Finding suitable containers to store loose papers and odds and sods is definitely a great way to keep organized. If you can, try to recycle old containers and kill two birds with one stone.