Stress Hack: Make a List

todoIf you’re like me, you lay in bed at night with your “to-do’s” for the next day running endlessly through your head.
I stress over forgetting things (gotta get dog food tomorrow, call the doctor, pick my son up early from school) unless I write them down.
I’ve learned to keep a notebook with me at all times. Yes, even by my bed. Continue Reading

5 Great Clutter Hacks

messy roomDo you still remember my definition of clutter?
Clutter is anything you don’t love, don’t use or doesn’t make you feel happy.
That pair of jeans you last wore 5 years ago? Yes, it’s clutter and it should go because it doesn’t make you feel good when you wear it. Why torture yourself? You should feel GREAT in your clothes.
This list is by no means exhaustive but here are 5 great ways to reduce the clutter in your life. Continue Reading

Take ten minutes to expand your phone list.

cell phoneTake a few minutes and program a few extra numbers into your cell phone. It’s helpful to have numbers available for your neighbor, child’s school, car-pooling partner, or favorite take-out place. My phone can store 300 numbers, so it doesn’t hurt to have extras listed, even if I don’t call them often. You never know when you might need them…
I learned this lesson when my son’s bus was 30 minutes late. I was standing at the stop– three blocks from home. I didn’t have the numbers listed so I wasn’t able to call and find out why the bus was delayed. When I got home I added in the numbers for the school, bus company and my next-door neighbor. I’m glad I did. [LG]Store your cell phone here![/LG]
This summer my family and I packed up and drove to a state park four hours away. Continue Reading