Stress Hack: Make a List

todoIf you’re like me, you lay in bed at night with your “to-do’s” for the next day running endlessly through your head.
I stress over forgetting things (gotta get dog food tomorrow, call the doctor, pick my son up early from school) unless I write them down.
I’ve learned to keep a notebook with me at all times. Yes, even by my bed.
The key:
Write it down.
Then forget it.
Stress averted.
Jan Hayner, from, has a post called:
“8 Reasons to Keep A ‘To Do’ List”
Here are the basics. Lists help you:
** eliminate mind-clutter by keeping
track of miscellaneous items.
** schedule time for breaks and
** focus on the important things.
** receive the satisfaction of crossing
things off your list.

Try it – you’ll wonder why you haven’t done this sooner!