Rolling Cart Provides Portable Shelves

Working on a project at home or in the office can pose some difficult storage problems. For any project that requires a lot of space and is going to be worked on for more than a day having a convenient work area is a must. File cabinets can be difficult to look through and having a desk cluttered with papers isn’t always an option.

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Tip of the Month: Are Junk Drawers a Bad Thing?

If your junk drawer is overflowing, and you have no idea what is in there, then it is time to give it a make-over. Follow these 5 steps to a useful junk drawer.

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Product of the Week – Stemware Rack for Storage and Style!

A stemware rack is not just for the wine fanatic, it’s also great for occasional drinkers of wine as well. This wood mounting stemware storage rack puts your favorite wine glasses on display! Wine glasses make a great design focal point in the kitchen or dining room. The light reflects from the glass and when lined up in a row, this makes a stunning sight!

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