Month: May 2013

Entryway Shelf: It Helps You Avoid Anxieties

Imagine this scenario: You have an important interview in 30 minutes and you are rushing out the door to get there on time. Your suit looks perfect, you have your resume and cover letters are ready to go, your hair is just right. Basically, you are good to go! But then as you reach into […]

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Shoe Travel Storage for Summer Vacation

Those preparing for the summer and the accompanying travel season will know that packing formal shoes can be quite a burden. In my opinion the most difficult items to pack for any trip are formal shoes. Whether you are going on a business trip or just a leisure trip, your wing tips always take up […]

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Kitchen Storage Shelves for the Tight Apartment

One of the difficult things about living in a small apartment is that often there is a lack of storage space. It seems like every room is just a few cubic feet short of the storage that is necessary for everyday life. No room is immune from this apartment storage space scourge. One room that […]

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