Entryway Shelf: It Helps You Avoid Anxieties

Imagine this scenario: You have an important interview in 30 minutes and you are rushing out the door to get there on time. Your suit looks perfect, you have your resume and cover letters are ready to go, your hair is just right. Basically, you are good to go! But then as you reach into your pocket for your keys… Where are my keys! This is a situation in which an entryway shelf would really come in handy.

One of my biggest pet peeves is not being able to find something in the place it should be. Typically, this is the case with my wallet or my keys. Cell phones are not so bad because you can call them and locate them that way (unless you have it on silent).

Of course when you finally find what you are looking for, it turns out they were just sitting in the pockets of the pants you wore yesterday. Or they are sitting on the counter in the bathroom. Or for some ungodly reason you put them in the freezer.

An Entryway Shelf Would Have Avoided All of This

Well when you have an entryway shelf in your home, this sort of disaster can be easily avoided. Instead of spending hours a week searching for your everyday items, just place them on a shelf. If you put the shelf right next to your doorway, there is little chance you will forget to unload your pockets. Once you have done this for a few weeks it will become second nature. You will be amazed at how much time you save when you do not have to begin every morning tearing your house apart looking for car keys.

Wall mounted entry shelves are the perfect option for the entryway. Another great choice is to get a small entryway table that provides some eye-level storage. I think it is important the shelf be around eye or chest level, that way you see the organization area and instantly know that you need to empty your pockets.

Entryway Shelf

With an entryway shelf in the home, you will never have to worry about being late for important events again. Now if you could only find that shirt you were looking for…