Wall Mounted Storage Shelves to Keep Kitty out of her Kibble

This weekend my wife and I went out of town for Labor Day. Traveling from Southern California up to Northern California is not a problem at all with a dog, but driving with a cat is difficult to say the least. So we were forced to leave our cat along for the long 3-day weekend. We poured her a big bowl of food to last her for those days and left for the holiday. When we came home we found she had gotten into her food by herself, knocking all sorts of items to the floor. After this incident we decided it was time to invest in some wall mounted storage shelves.

See, our precious kitty isn’t so much a “little kitty” anymore, and is more like an obese food seeking monster (don’t tell her I said that). So when she finished off her 3-day bowl of food in just a day or so, she naturally went on the hunt for more food. She found the food, but wasn’t really able to get into it. What she was able to do was knock over a bunch of things from our microwave cart.

So now instead of storing her food on the cart, we have started to store her food on wall mounted storage shelves. With this shelf style, we are able to store a great deal of items. The wall-mounted design of the shelves prevents the cat from reaching the top. As an added bonus, the wall mounted storage shelves take up no floor space. The Upper Cabinet makes the perfect wall storage system.

This is great news for our precious belongings and our kitchen, but bad news for the cat. Now with our food safely tucked away 6 feet above ground level, she has no hope of reaching her treasured spoils.
