Clutter Hack: Getting Organized Enough to Get Organized

overwhelmed_momGetting organized is hard enough. Trying to organize your own life, and each of your children’s lives can quickly become overwhelming. I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes you can’t even get organized enough to get organized!
Rebecca “Kiki” Weingarten M.Sc.Ed, MFA from Daily Life Coaching 4 Kids has some very helpful tips for doing just that.
Like tip number 2:
“Choose your best time of day. Are you a morning person? Or does everyone in the household know better than to approach you before you’ve had your second cup of coffee? Working at your optimum time makes the work go faster and you’ve got more energy to deal with any difficulties that come up.”
(Click here for the rest of Rebecca’s tips!)[LG]Use this to keep kid’s schedules organized![/LG]
Sometimes, the simplest things – that don’t even occur to us – can make the biggest impact on our productivity.
What organizing tips have you found helpful in your life?