Need More Storage Space? Look Under Your Bed

As a Professional Organizer working in New York City, I get to see all kinds of living spaces: large, pre-war apartments, tiny studios, airy lofts, dramatic duplexes, charming brownstones and everything in between. As you might Bed Risers and Under Bed Storageexpect, people living in small spaces often don’t have sufficient storage places for all their “stuff”.

What I find interesting though is when people living in large spaces with ample closets and storage areas suffer from the same problem! I guess I really shouldn’t be surprised since we live in a consumer society that has so many irresistible temptations on offer at any given time.

One great storage solution that is often overlooked is the space underneath a bed. There are a wide variety of containers made expressly for the purpose of storing out-of-season clothing and accessories, extra pillows, blankets and sheets, toys, memorabilia, small electronics, photographs, sports equipment, paperwork and many other items in that space.

Some of you may already have beds that sit high off of the floor and can accommodate under bed storage containers. If you don’t – or if you want your bed to be even higher than it already is – the solution is to use bed risers. When placed beneath each foot of your bed frame, they can lift your bed an additional 5″ – 7″ off of the floor.

So, if your closets, cabinets and bureaus are overflowing, take advantage of this smart, practical and often overlooked area for extra storage. Happy organizing in your newly acquired space!

Here’s to being organized for life!
– A. J.