How to clean a tie and properly store it

Tie, Necktie, Adjust, Adjusting, Man, Business

It’s happened before. Many swanky, expensive ties have been sent to an early grave after a losing battle against beer, tomato sauce, mustard and more. But what if there was a way to save those ties from demise. The question: how to clean a tie.


Proper tie upkeep is more than one step. Yes, we know that proper storage is essential. Keeping your ties correctly put away protects them from creasing, wrinkling and other unfavorable outcomes. A standard tie rack will keep your accessories in line. Anything from a small cedar hanger to a rotating, light-up display is available — it just depends on your collection.

Every day care

The way you treat your tie is important too. Take your time putting your tie on and untying it too. Untie your tie by reversing the steps you followed to tie it; do not simply pull the thin end through the knot and definitely do not store it with the knot still intact. Pulling stretches the silk or material and leaving it knotted creates creases and folds that will be difficult to remove later.

Cleaning: the  basics

Yes, removing those stains from ties — especially silk ones — seems impossible. The most important thing you need to remember is NO water. Water ruins silk ties so you need to be clever with your stain fighters.

  • Rubbing alcohol can be gently dabbed on the infected area. Blow dry immediately and repeat up to three times if needed.
  • Talcum powder or corn starch can be used to soak up oily stains. Cover the stain and let it sit over night. This method can also be repeated over the same area if needed.
  • If you’re more likely to trust the professionals, try dry cleaning. Or if you want to keep it simple, try a laundry stain remover — just pat it dry and remember not to wet the area with water.

Looking to clean a different material? Check out this awesome info-graphic from our friends at

Or, to avoid stains all together, you can just throw your tie over your shoulder when digging in. It’s not very suave, but it gets the job done.

Necktie Care Chart