Four Earth-Friendly Ways to Organize Paper.

pinesClients often complain about their struggles with paper. Limiting paper before it enters your home makes it easier to minimize piles. Plus there’s the hidden bonus of saving a few trees. I’ve read that every ton of recycled paper saves seventeen 40 foot Douglas Fir Trees.
1) Think before you print. Before you print anything from your computer, decide if you will refer to it again. If you just want to remember a site, add it to your list of favorites. If you do want a copy, press print preview to determine if you need to print all of the pages. That will help eliminate the excess page of advertisements that often accompany an article.
2) Opt-out. Remove your name from junk mail lists, credit card offers and unwanted catalogs. Take a few minutes to stop the flow. See the article, Avoid the Avalanche of Unwanted Mail at Come2Order for more details.
3) Rethink magazine subscriptions. Keep only those that you love. If days go by after a new issue arrives and you haven’t cracked the cover, it’s an indication that you aren‘t that interested. If you decide to keep a subscription, share those magazines with others.[LG]Here’s a great bin for recycling paper![/LG]
4) Reuse paper. Do this in two ways. First use both sides of every sheet. Then recycle the paper so that it can be reused for recycled paper products.