Category: Laundry Organizing

Dorm Living

Dorm Living – 10 Essentials Less than 10 Dollars Each It’s a new semester, and you’re getting used to dorm living, and probably missing all the conveniences of home, while enjoying your new freedom. But now that you’re settled in and rooted in the space, you remember everything you forgot to bring to college. You […]

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Folding Shirts

Folding Shirts to Maximize Space in Drawers Folding shirts, while a chore, can be a joyous, active meditation, believe it or not. If you struggle to relax, and find it difficult to sit quietly and meditate, folding clothes is a soothing activity that can help center you quickly while preparing your wardrobe for future wear. […]

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Dresser Drawer Decluttering

8 Dresser Drawer Decluttering Tips Mornings can be stressful at times, even more so, if you have to rummage through your dressers to find the right combination of clothes. These dresser drawer decluttering tips will maximize space in your drawers and get you dressed faster and more efficiently in the mornings, leaving time for some […]

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