Tips for Moving That Will Keep You Organized

It’s that time of year again. My lease is up and I’m moving house. The rental market is crazy expensive and crazy competitive right now, so every year I end up in a new place. As a seasoned veteran of moving home, I have collected a few tips and tricks along the way. These basic organizational rules have simplified moving so well for me, I wanted to share. Use them and you too will find moving can easily be packed into one weekend.

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Plastic Totes

While basic boxes are the way to go with most of your belongings, I cannot stress how well a few Sterilite plastic bins will help you out. I use them for the basic things that can be quickly moved and unpacked. That way I can re-use them throughout the entire move.

For example, I quickly pack up my coffee pot, cooking utensils, dry food canisters and other basics on my kitchen counter. These pieces can be transported to the new house and immediately unpacked and placed on the counter. Then totes can be reused to pack up more things.

This process can take up a little more time, but it is worth it. Plus, after moving, you will have a few extra totes on hand for storage. Totes are great for moving because they are durable, easy to carry and stack nicely.

Boxes, boxes, boxes

If you are planning on utilizing basic cardboard boxes, please, do not pay for them! The best thing I learned during my time as a high school grocery store clerk was that these big-box stores are happy to give away cardboard boxes. They cycle through loads and loads of them a day and they usually just end up thrown in a compactor.

Head to your local grocery store and ask a produce worker for some empty boxes.

Grocery store boxes are so much sturdier than the ones you buy from a moving company, plus, they’re FREE! Try to do this ahead of time because they may ask you wait a couple days and come back to pick up your boxes.

Tip: fruit boxes from apples and bananas work the best; they have lids, handles and reinforced corners.

File Organizer

Before you move, invest some time in filing the paper work. Keep all of your warranties, important papers — including your new lease — tucked in a handy file or box. During the move, you’ll be able to reference or find any important papers you need. Trust me, moving brings up all kinds of questions and it’s very valuable to be able to find exactly the paper you’re looking for when questions arise.

Laundry Baskets for Everyday Items

Every one has a few laundry baskets floating around the house, but have you ever thought to use them in lou of moving boxes? This trick is great for the things you know you will need immediately upon moving. Cleaning products, small kitchen appliances, electronics, clothes — there are loads of stuff that can be quickly moved with use of a laundry basket. You’re going to move those baskets anyway, mine as well make use of their capacity!

Other tips:

  • Use a basic bar of white soap to minimize nail holes left in walls.
  • Leave ice cubes on carpets to remove furniture indents.
  • Pack like you’re going on vacation for a week or two. You’ll be able to find all of your everyday necessities in one bag. It will save you a headache later.
  • Toilet paper! Make it the first thing you bring. There’s nothing worse than an empty bathroom with a group of moving helpers at the new place. I usually stuff a roll in my purse and leave it when I go to get the keys for the first time.
  • Pack up clothes using large garbage bags. Rip a hole in the bottom of the bag and tie them over hangers. No packing necessary!
  • Use throw blankets, dish towels, bath towels or sweaters to pack up breakables. I wrap my dishes in kitchen towels and knick-knacks in (clean!) socks.

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Valentine’s Day for Him: Watch Winder Box

Wondering what to get your mister for Valentine’s Day? While we would like to suggest our favorite — a tie rack — it’s not exactly fit for the romantic day, huh? If your guy likes to accessorize, surprise him with a quality, solid wood watch winder box. 

Our friends at American Chest offer this quality watch winder, crafted from solid American cherry wood. This attractive box keeps wristwatches wound and ready to go. Bi-directional settings include both clockwise and counter-clockwise winding. Guys can program intermittent sequences, too, to best fit their schedule. Nylon gears and a mabuchi motor make this watch winder top of the line.

The attractive wood box features a glass pane top, so timepieces remain on display. The small box is a great addition to dresser tops, bathroom counters, walk-in closets and more. As if that’s not enough, you can choose between either cherry or mahogany finish.

What’s more, this quality piece is crafted in the United States. By the way, American Chest even offers a limited two tear warranty.


  • 110/220 volts
  • Use with alkaline or lithium batteries

Storage Ideas: Laundry Basket

The ways to utilize plastic storage bins are endless, but sometimes you can accomplish the same storage feats without the bin. Laundry basket storage is a huge DIY phenomenon right now and the inexpensive alternative is an excellent way to corral cluttered collections throughout the home.

Obviously, you can use laundry baskets for their namesake — create your own sorting station and make the task less of a chore. But you can also think outside of the box and add laundry baskets to organize throughout the house. Old dressers and shelving units can easily be converted to accommodate laundry baskets, creating an inexpensive and streamline storage system.

There are tons of things that can be organized with laundry baskets.

Laundry Basket Storage Ideas

  • Shoes
  • Toys (stuffed animals, blocks, cars and more)
  • Pantry snack storage
  • Sports equipment storage in the garage
  • Cleaning products
  • Front hall closet organization
  • Linen closet organization

What laundry basket storage ideas do you know of?


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