Month: August 2012

21 Tips To Help Kids Become Clutter Busters

(These tips can help adults, too) 1. Cleaning their rooms involves making decisions. The more you help to simplify the room, the easier the cleaning and the decision-making becomes. 2. Check out books from the library, and buy only the ones your children really love. Why spend money on books they’ll never read?

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Back-to-School: Organizing Your Dorm Bed

For most dorm-dwelling college students, the bed is a multi-purpose piece of furniture.  Sure, it’s used for sleeping, but the bed is also a prime study area, where a student can lay out all textbooks, notes and other materials needed for an all-night cram session.   With the proper items, a college student’s bed can also […]

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Tips For Maximizing Closet Space with a Shoe Bench

Maximizing your closet space can be quite a difficult proposition, particularly when you have a home that your family has slightly outgrown. When you have children sharing closets and rooms, things tend to get a little bit messy. Add in parents sharing some spaces, and you have a recipe for disorder. There are a few […]

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